The MEC for Health in Gauteng has pleaded with the public to assist the police and the department in finding the 21 Life Esidimeni mental health patients who are still missing.
Dr Gwen Ramakgopa said in 2017 they had successfully transferred 750 patients from unlicensed non-governmental organisations. She blamed the "missing" patients on poor record keeping during the project which left the department with very little and unverified information.
She said they will continue to work with Stakeholders to make sure all these patients are accounted for.
She said they had already approached Sassa, the social development department and police, hospitals and various non-profit organisations to find 100 of the missing patients.
The Democratic Alliance said it's been nearly two years since the Life Esidemeni tragedy where 144 patients died and said it was very likely that the missing 21 had also passed on.
The DA Spokesperson for Health in Gauteng Jack Bloom said the terrible fate of the missing patients should be added to the charges faced by the perpetrators who should be tried and punished in court.