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Legal Resources centre turns up heat on Basic Education Minister

The Legal Resources Centre says it has written to Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, demanding an undertaking to make payments for school nutrition programmes and to deliver the workbooks still missing at three public schools in Port Elizabeth.

The Grahamstown-based LRC is acting on behalf of the School Governing Bodies of Triomf, Bethelsdorp and Booysen Park Primary Schools as well as the Bethelsdorp School Governing Body Unit, which represents the interests of approximately 35 schools in the Port Elizabeth's northern areas.

Lawyer, Sarah Sephton, says the schools are facing numerous problems because the national and provincial departments of education have failed to fulfill their constitutional and statutory obligations to protect children's rights to basic education.

She says the non-delivery of workbooks constitutes a breach of the childrens' right to education and their right to equality as enshrined in the Constitution.