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Latest road closures and conditions - 22 October 2012

R-72 is closed from Nanaga to Port Alfred.

Alternative route is PE to Cookhouse (N10) then on to the R-63 to Bedford - Adelaide-Fort Beaufort - Grahamstown and then on N-2 to EL. Also R-63 Bedford - Adelaide - Fort Beaufort - Alice- KWT and EL

Reverse Route EL to PE: East London - KWT - Alice - Fort Beaufort - Adelaide - Bedford - Cookhouse - Paterson PE.

Special appeal to big trucks - Use N-10 Cookhouse to Grahamstown and N-2 to EL.

Roads closed/hazardous 22.10.12. All roads in area are very wet and drivers should exercise caution at all times

22.10.12 Nelson Mandela Metro area closed

R333 to Koedoeskloof closed
Old Uitenhage Road closed
Black Thorn Road closed
Summer Road in North End closed
Seaview Road closed
Third Avenue Dip closed
Seaview Road closed
Buffalo City Metro area
Baden Powell Road to Horseshoe Valley closed
Two Rivers Drive closed
Caution: Big and deep potholes on Black Road between Sunnyridge and Pritchard Road Hazardous


N2 between Peddie and King William's Town open
R72 between Alexandria and Port Alfred Open but hazardous and traffic moving very slowly with stop/go controls. Closed for heavy vehicles
R68 between between Bathurst and Port Alfred Closed, but hope to open later today
N2 between Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth Closed, bridge collapsed
R330 between Humansdorp and St Francis Bay Closed, Sandriver bridge washed away
R330 between Humansdorp and Hankey Closed,low water bridge at Hankey flooded
The Kasouga Bridge between Kenton and Port Alfred has collapsed and the road is therefore closed (R72)
The road between Nanaga and Port Alfred is CLOSED

Port Elizabeth to/from East London (Update): both the N2 and the alternative R72 are now closed due to road collapses. ALL TRAFFIC now directed to N10 and R63 via Cookhouse and Bedford