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Jailed King Dalinyebo on "hunger strike"

EAST LONDON, January 9 (ANA) – The Abathembu royal family has expressed its “undivided support” for former king Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, who was admitted to hospital in East London on Friday evening.

This emerged on Saturday when Economic Freedom Fighters leaders were meant to visit Dalindyebo in prison but then re-routed when informed he had been admitted to St Dominiques Hospital after being on a hunger strike since Sunday.

Royal family spokesman Daludomo Mtirara said they expected Dalindyebo to make a full recovery.

“We would like to express a message of support and we think he will make a speedy recovery,” Mtirara told ANA.

He said the royal family would not be able to visit Dalindyebo in hospital. “We did not visit him while he was in jail but we expect his wife and children will.”

Correctional services department spokesman Manelisi Wolela said it was common behaviour for prison inmates to self-harm and everything possible was done to ensure safe and humane custody.

“Inmates show many types of behaviour – we have to manage and ensure [their] safety,” he said.

Asked what would happen when Dalindyebo returned to prison, Wolela said Dalindyebo “would receive no special treatment and all procedures would be followed”.

The former Abathembu king is serving a 12-year sentence for various offences, including kidnapping, assault, arson, and defeating the ends of justice. – African News Agency (ANA)