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Hunt on for police commissioner's attackers

 Police are hunting for a gang of robbers who tried to hijack Eastern Cape police commissioner, Lieutenant General Celiwe Binta's car in East London's Lingelitsha township at the weekend.

Her bodyguard was slightly injured by flying glass when a bullet penetrated the driver's window.
Binta was left traumatised but uninjured in the attack which happened in broad daylight on Saturday.

After failing to hijack Binta's car, the robbers went to a nearby house where they held local pastor Reverend Stanley Makinana and his family at gunpoint, and took car keys and cellphones.

Eastern Cape safety and liaison spokesperson Lwandile Sicwetsha says it was clearly the work of a criminal gang - and not of a political nature.

The Police commissioner was not on duty and the attack was not during office hours.