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Gqeberha tip closures a big "gemors"

File photo: Victoria Drive blocked by disgruntled SMME's last week

AlgoaFM News

It has been nine days since the Arlington landfill in Gqeberha was forcefully closed by SMME's - with no resolution in sight as discussions with the municipality continue.

Activity at the tip was brought to a halt last Monday when they blocked the entrance of the Victoria Drive dumping site.

Municipal spokesperson, Mthubanzi Mniki, said they cited several issues that have to do with contracts and tenders that were supposed to have been awarded and implemented at the site.

He said the municipality has since had a day-long meeting with SMME's where they tried to clarify with them that the issues can be solved while the landfill continues to operate.

Mniki, however, said they had not yet come to a resolution but will continue to engage with them.

He said they have also approached safety and security as well as metro police to find solutions.

Algoa FM has also received reports that the Summerstrand, as well as the Walmer tip was closed, although the Metro could not confirm.

Mniki said it cannot remain closed as it offers critical services to metro's residents.

Since the closure, many residents in the city, refuse disposal trucks, as well as builders who dump their rubble at Arlington, can only dispose of their rubbish at Koedoeskloof dumping site in Kariega.

The continued closure of the Arlington tip could pose a risk of permanent closure as there are sensitive issues relating to licensing that can be affected by long-term closure.

The pillar of the issues raised relates to a tender for fencing the Arlington Tip which has not yet been advertised.

The Metro said the reason for this is there not being a sufficient budget for the project now, but the department is trying to raise the money within the system to do the job.

SMME's have also expressed their concern about criminal elements operating at several tips.

Earlier in January a small business owner was shot and wounded at the tip in 5th Avenue in Walmer.

Fifty-five-year-old Mark Cambell, died in hospital a week later.