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Gift of the Givers completes another project in EC


Gift of the Givers continues its support for health facilities in the Eastern Cape, having completed the renovation of a building at the Bhisho Hospital which will serve as doctors' accommodation.

The organisation has already set up a 120-bed dedicated Covid-19 facility at the hospital, and the new R3 million rand refurbishment was completed in one month.

“Medical personnel living in guest houses since the beginning of the year will take occupation this week,” said GOG’s Ali Sablay.

He said an additional building is being considered for refurbishment to further increase staff capacity in the face of the devastating second Covid-19 wave.

The official opening takes place at Bhisho Hospital on Monday.

The renovation was completed in one month with the Gift of the Givers building team working through the Christmas and the New Year period, after having completed a R750 000, 20-bed high-care facility at Settlers Hospital in Makanda in five days.