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Education Minister visits the Eastern Cape

 Basic Education minister Angie Motshekga says many forget or conveniently ignore the fact that the mud-schools she's determined to wipe-out are not a product of the ANC government.

Motshekga was delivering her speech at at the 10 Millionth School Breakfast served by Tiger Brands Foundation in Lady Frere on Tuesday morning.

In her speech prepared for delivery the minister said the Eastern Cape has felt the impact of th governments work to improve education. She ads that the Department in its commitment to replace mud schools by March 2013 of the 49 schools 17 have been completed with the rest around 85% complete. Mothsekga says delays are being addressed head on and some contractors have been replaced. She made a call on companies like Tiger Brands to partner with Government to turn around schooling. The Minister says it is in this context that they want all to make education an essential service.