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EC premier's message to Madiba

Happy Birthday Message from the Eastern Cape Premier

Tata, as you celebrate your 94th birthday, we want to assure you that we are working tirelessly, more than 67 minutes every day to make sure that the face of your home province, the Eastern Cape changes for the better.

The concerted efforts of men and women currently serving in the National Cabinet, in the Provincial Executive Council and in State Owned Companies, are starting to bear fruit because we collectively understand the vision of our democratic government, of building a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa where all people would enjoy a great quality of life.

We understand that unless that life of prosperity and greatness manifests for the most down trodden and poor people and their communities, we will be failing you and other past leaders who made supreme sacrifices for the freedom and democracy we are enjoying today.

We are grateful to you and pray that the Lord Almighty gives you good health in the comfort of your loving and caring family.
Once again Happy Birthday Tata!!