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EC policeman in hot water

Police management has sent out a strong message to members who are found to be on the wrong side of the law, that they will be swiftly and harshly dealt with, after a police constable was arrested for robbery in Uitenhage.

It's alleged that at around 11 o'clock on Saturday night an off-duty policeman in a marked police vehicle approached a foreign national  at a fuel station in Caledon Street, Uitenhage.

The policeman demanded to see the victim's  work permit, and when the victim  failed to produce the necessary documentation, he was forced to collect  the documents from his home..

Upon arrival at the man's residence,  the 32 year old  policeman who was in the company of another man, allegedly pointed a firearm at the foreign national.

They took cash and car keys from him and fled in the police vehicle.

The complainant immediately reported the matter at the Uitenhage police station and moments later the police vehicle was spotted and stopped in the Kamesh area.

The driver, a policeman, who was found to be driving under influence of liquor and his passenger, a member of the public, werer arrested on the spot.

The stolen car keys of the victim were found in possession of the suspects. A  police firearm with ammunition was also seized.

The arrested member is stationed at the Rapid Rail Police Unit in Port Elizabeth.  On Monday, 13 March 2017, the two men aged 32 and 25  will appear in the Uitenhage Magistrate's Court on charges of robbery, of which the  member is to face additional charges of driving a motor vehicle under influence of liquor and contravention of the Firearms Act.

An internal investigation in terms of the SAPS Disciplinary Regulations has been instituted immediately following the arrest and detention of the SAPS member.