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EC grim road toll climbs further

The Eastern Cape Transport Department is imploring motorists to exercise caution and obey the rules of the road.

This followed four fatal accidents in the province in the last three days which left at least 16 people dead.

The latest was on the N2 near Thornhill outside Port Elizabeth on Wednesday night which claimed five lives.

The Bhisho Transport Department spokesperson, Unathi Binqose, said a truck and two vehicles were involved in the collision.

He said four people were trapped in one of the vehicles which caught alight. The body of the fifth person was found outside the car.

Binqose said that while the exact cause of the accident is unknown, the Department is urgently appealing to motorists to exercise care on the road.

Meanwhile, three men were killed in an accident in the Kei Cuttings late Wednesday night.

Eight people also died in two mini-bus taxi accidents in East London on Monday and in a village in Willowvale on Wednesday morning.

"The majority of accidents that happen on our roads are accidents that can be avoided if people can play by the rules of the road and respect each other," Binqose said.

Pictures: Traffic updates PE @trafficupdatePE