The Eastern Cape Education Department has launched a probe into the apparent social media postings of a Grahamstown educator who allegedly gloats about 'nailing' Grade 11 learners at his school.
In a strongly-worded statement on Friday, Education Superintendent General, Themba Kojana, said he had learnt about the postings with disgust.
He said the department was embarrassed by this act of abdicating moral responsibility, instead opting to engage in sexual relationship with learners who look upon educators in loco parentis rather than sexual partners. Thus far, the department has liaised with the relevant district director to attend to this matter as it amounts to serious misconduct according to law.
"I condemn in the strongest terms this predatory conduct by this educator as it embarrasses and taints the teaching profession. As such I have instituted an immediate investigation on the said allegations. Our intervention no this matter is based on his social media comments, specifically his facebook page. I've also asked our legal section to investigate the legal ramifications of his conduct as a civil servant", said Kojana.
The Department's immediate response will be based on the preliminary reports provided by the Labour Relations directorate. This investigation will be guided by the Employment of Educator's Act of 1998. Section 17 of the act deals with serious act of misconduct and violations and sexual relations.
"I want to send a stern warning to all those educators who see sexual partners in our learners as this will lead to them losing their jobs. We are working with the South African Council for Educators (SACE) to ensure that all those found guilty of these offences are de-registered as educators and never work with children in South Africa again".
Neither the teacher nor the school were named in the Department's statement.