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EC Eds Dept Customer Care number for school related issues

As part of the school readiness campaign the Eastern Cape Education department would like to people facing problems relating to schooling in in general to call the Customer Care number which is: 043 735 2790/91 92. Those with admission problem are urged to contact the district admissions team as they will be able to give them an indication as to where to go to sort out the problems. Below are the list of the district admission team leaders:

Mrs Khuzwayo
083 990 7931
039 251 0097
039 251 0630/423

Mr Mzimkulu
082 076 0176
039 256 0505
039 256 0866/ 0111

M R Matwasa
083 275 0709
039 253 1422

Mrs Vikilahle 083 300 5136
073 693 5824
047 502 7427
047 532 3505

Mt Fletcher
Mr J M Mhle
073 076 9315
039 257 0966
039 257 0966

Mt Frere
Mr Sibuta
082 211 9136
039 255 0005/0035
039 255 0791

Mrs Nakani (acting)
079 693 5953
047 553 0137
047 553 0159

Mr Jombile
083 426 5661/079 693 5853
047 502 4205
047 531 3535

Mr DD Jonker (acting)
084 251 0032/082 066 7373
045 8085705 045 858 8906
045 808 3030

Mr Bokoda (acting)
083 717 5198
047 4911169/1275
047 491 0294

Mr Ngcuphe (acting)
083 260 3508/ 079 512 9408
047 489 1147
047 489 1028/1491


Mr Plaatjie (acting)

082 631 4465

047 874 0313

047 874 0422

Lady Frere
Mr Makanda
076 575 1071/079 512 9422
047 878 0009/0231
047 878 0224

Mr Kulati
082 978 0095/ 079 512 9428
051 611 0052
051 611 1401

Ngcobo Mr Maqholo
Mr Dwangu
Ngxubaza 073 468 7536
078 979 9783
047 548 1167
047 548 1257

Cradock Ms Qona
Ms Boss
082 066 7220/082 066 7174
048 881 3105
048 801 8616
East London Mrs Swarts
MP Ngcebetsha 082 066 7103
082 290 5844 043 760 2239 086 547 7830
043 733 2245

Fort Beaufort
Mr Socenywa (acting)
082 066 7215 046 645 7811
046 645 7904
046 645 7855

Graaf Reinet
Mr MK Jack
083 561 9614
049 892 2201/2520
049 892 4501

Mr Dangazele
079 512 9396
046 622 5879
046 603 3340

King Williams Town Mr Koliti
Mr ronoti 083 349 5489
082 066 7251
043 642 5879 043 642 4718
043 605 2000

Port Elizabeth Mr Tutu
Mrs Nama 082 255 0519
082 784 0390 041 403 4461/4510 193 041 403 4461/ 4451/4402
086 557 5564

Uitenhage Mr Gorgonzola
Mrs Macuba 084 340 9837
082 368 4442
082 074 9938 041 995 4154 041 991 0219
041 995 4179