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Eastern Cape Premier announces his new leadership team

New Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane has announced the Members of his Executive Council to serve in the 6th Administration.

Premier Mabuyane announced his new MEC's in Port Alfred on Tuesday afternoon, chief among them the appointment of Mlungisi Mvoko to the portfolio of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism in the Department of Finance.

Mvoko is a seasoned campaigner in Eastern Cape government and previously served as Human Settlements MEC and Education MEC in the Bisho Legislature.

The crucial post of Health MEC goes to Sindiswa Gomba and the equally critical position of Education MEC to Fundile Gade.

Weziwe Tikana retains her portfolio as Transport, Safety and Liaison MEC.

The other portfolios are as follows:

Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:  Mr Xolile Nqata

Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform: Ms Nomakhosazana Meth

Department of Public Works:  Mr Babalo Madikizela

Department of Human Settlements: Ms Nonqkubela Pieters

Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture:  Ms Fezeka Nkomonye-Bayeni

Department of Social Development : Ms Siphokazi Mani-Lusithi

Premier Mabuyane said the announcement of his MECs followed a thorough engagement within the structures of the ANC and the alliance partners, Cosatu, Sanco and the SACP. "At the heart of this process was to make sure that as we appoint leaders, we are guided by the policy imperatives of the ANC, unity and renewal."

He added that there had been good work done by previous MECs, led by a number of Premiers of the Eastern Cape, and that the new Executive Council has a task to continue with this work. "As the executive council of the 6th administration we will always make sure that we put the people of this province first to ensure they get a better life."