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Eastern Cape MEC issues an appeal to whistle-blowers

Eastern Cape Local Government MEC, Mlibo Qoboshiyane, has appealed to the public to provide full details when blowing the whistle on corruption.

He said on wednesday that while his office had received numerous tip-offs about fraud and corruption, in many instances the information was skant and unhelpful, making it difficult to investigate.

Qoboshiyane says his department is committed to rooting out fraud and corruption in municipalities.

He says the Bhisho government only has an appetite for good governance, clean administration and effective service delivery.

"When it comes to information and how we can handle it I think there is a need for the societies to be encouraged to unveil more, even if they conceal their names it is not a problem for whistle blowing but it is handicapping the capacity of the State to navigate through the complaints to what is true either at the MEC's office or to various departments via hotlines" Qoboshiyane said.