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Eastern Cape learners killed in bus accident

 Five learners from the Nogemane Senior Secondary school in Ngqeleni in the former Transkei have been killed and 30 others were injured when their school bus was involved in an accident.

The accident occurred at Lwandile Village in Ngqeleni on Tuesday morning after an alleged brake failure in the vehicle.

Provincial traffic spokesperson, Tsepo Machaya, says the bus driver is among the critically injured.

Machaya says a case of culpable homicide and a case of reckless and negligent driving is being investigated.

Meanwhile Eastern Cape MEC for Transport, Roads and Public Works, Ms Thandiswa Marawu, has called for the stricter monitoring of the scholar transport services in the province.

Marawu reminded all operators involved in the scholar transport programme (STP) must have:
- Current Operating Licences
- Public Drivers Permits
- Public Passenger Liability Cover, which is very important.

The department's legal team is looking at invoking penalty clauses of the contract with One Future Development 46 so that the person responsible for the death of these school children can be dealt with.