Two senior officials have been seconded to King Sabatha Dalindyebo Local Municipality and the OR Tambo District Municipality in the Eastern Cape as part of Section 154 support in the interest of co-operative governance.
The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Spokesperson Mamnkeli Ngam identified the officials from his department as Zolisa Mdikane for KSD local municipality and Themba Hani for the ORT district municipality.
He says they are General Managers for Operation Clean Audit and Local Economic Development respectively and that their brief is to stabilise and strengthen administrative capacity at both municipalities including the filling of vacant senior management positions.
"There are other municipalities that will also be focusing on in approving their audit outcomes. Those municipalities that had negative audit outcomes will also receive attention through what we call implementation of audit or municipal audit improvement plans, so they improve from disclaimer to a very positive kind of outlook." says Ngam.