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DTI launches Eat Well, Eat Safe, Eat Local campaign in EC

Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies, is expected to launch the Eat Well, Eat Safe, Eat Local campaign in the Eastern Cape on Monday.

The launch takes place at Cofinvaba High School.
The Department of Trade and Industry says the campaign serves as a platform to market and promote the consumption of local produce in order to preserve and protect jobs in the Agro-processing sector. 

"In its third year in the campaign the Minister will focus on the opportunities that Agro-processing and Food processing offer local economic development, primarily in rural economies. 
Agro-processing and Agriculture are expected to create 1 Million jobs in the sector and further promote industrial development in rural economies," DTI said in a statement.
"The dti in partnership with the food industry will be conducting food demonstration and exhibitions which will allow the public to interact directly with companies such as Nestle, Tiger brands and the poultry sector.  "Local companies such as Sunningdale dairies and Summerpride which manufacture dairy and fruit products it will also be exhibiting their products. Sunningdale which received dti incentive support and was launched at the East London IDZ in 2008 will also be participating in educating the public on nutrition in the dairy industry"

DTI said the hosting of this event in a rural town will allow the dti to offer its drive for black industrialist and local production education to rural areas.

"Further collaboration and programmes in the sector have been established with the support of the provincial and local government. MEC Mlibo Qoboshiyane will be one of the key note speakers with the Ntsika Yethu Municipal Mayoral Council." the statement added.
"The other aspect of the campaign is aimed at educating school children and the general public on how to prepare healthy meals and healthy eating, given the high levels of obesity in the country. There will be a presentation from the South African Poultry industry on the importance of chicken in nutrition and the economy, and the importance of localisation," DTI concluded.