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Deadline for public comments on PE fish farm draws closer

The deadline for the submission of public comments on the pre-application by the Department of Sea Fisheries regarding the Aquaculture Development Zone in Algoa Bay is on Tuesday 30 April 2019.

The proposal to develop an Aquaculture Development Zone, commonly known as a fish farm, in Algoa Bay came under the spotlight at a public meeting by the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa on the 17th of April.

Hobie Beach in Summerstrand in Port Elizabeth remains firmly in the sights for the development of a fish farm.

This emerged at a public meeting at City Hall last month, where consultants hired by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, presented a revised proposal to the public.

The Hobie Beach site is one of three sites now under consideration, after the first Environmental Impact Assessment was withdrawn following a public outcry about the proposed location.

The other two proposed sites are areas around the PE harbour and in the vicinity of Coega for the cultivation of fin fish as well as bivalves, which are shellfish like mussels, oysters and scallops.

To register as an Interested and Affected Party (as any resident can do), email: info@anchorenvironmental.co.za
The report can be downloaded on https://anchorenvironmental.co.za/node/344