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DA claims Eastern Cape local government's are in crisis

The Democratic Alliance in the Eastern Cape says local governments in the province are in crisis.

In a written reply to questions by the DA, Local Government MEC, Mlibo Qoboshiyane, revealed that 21 of the 45 municipalities have not filled critical posts.

These include vacancies for municipal managers, chief financial officers, technical directors and corporate services directors.

DA MPL, Dacre Haddon, says three of the six district municipalities in the province namely Cacadu, Amathole and Chris Hani do not have Municipal Managers, while seven local municipalities are also without municipal managers.

Meanwhile, one of the key municipalities without a permanent municipal manager is Nelson Mandela Bay Metro.

Local Government MEC, Mlibo Qoboshiyane, who is in the Metro today with Cooperative Governance Minister, Richard Baloyi, has appointed an acting municipal manager to oversee the implementation of a turn-around strategy for the Metro.