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Christmas Day fire at St. Francis

 There has been another fire at St. Francis Bay, with at least one thatch-roofed home severely damaged.

Reports that the flames had spread to other homes could not be confirmed on Tuesday afternoon. A strong wind was blowing in the town.

The vice-chairperson of the local residents association, Nigel Aitken, said there had been a number of precautionary evacuations, but his understanding was that the fire had been brought under control.

More than 70 thatch-roofed homes in the holiday town caught alight on Sunday the 11th of November, causing damage amounting to hundreds of millions of rands.

No reports of injuries were received.

The Christmas Day fire follows just days after Kouga Mayor Booi Koerat met members of the residents' association, which noted that improved fire-fighting infrastructure was needed.

The St. Francis Chronicle reports on its website that the fire was at no 5 Canal Road and that firemen, the NSRI and the local disaster management team responded within minutes. It says the fire started as the people who are renting it for the holidays, including foreign, visitors, were about to settle down for Christmas lunch.

Thank you Dean Gilbert, for sending us the pic, which is credited elsewhere to Richard Arderne.