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Basic Education Dept faces further legal action

The Legal Resources Centre is threatening to bring a contempt of court application against the Eastern Cape Education Department.

LRC director, Sarah Sephton, says the Department failed to comply with an order directing it to pay all temporary teachers by Friday.

She says the Department was also late in providing them with a list of all district offices after initially missing Friday's deadline.

Sephton's warned that if all temporary teachers are not paid by close of business on Wednesday, the Legal Resource Centre will proceed with a Contempt of Court Application against the Department of Basic Education.

"We expect full adherence with every aspect of the Court Order. If the Provincial DBE are unable or unwilling to comply with the Court Order we trust that the Minister (Angie Motshekga) understands her obligations and will ensure that the order is implemented in full," said Sephton.

"If teachers are not paid by close of business on Wednesday 22 August 2012 we will proceed with a Contempt of Court Application," she added.

The Centre is acting on behalf of the Centre for Child Law, six school governing bodies and the Bethelsdorp Crisis committee.