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Baby drowns in bucket at Wilderness

WILDERNESS, March 18 (ANA) – A baby has drowned in a bucket of water at an informal settlement near Wilderness on the Southern Cape coast, the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) said on Saturday.

NSRI Wilderness station commander Robert van Helsdingen said the duty crew responded to an informal settlement at the Gwaing River mouth at about 11.30am on Thursday following reports of a baby drowning.

“On arrival on the scene paramedics, fire and rescue services, and the SA Police Service were in attendance where sadly a baby had been declared deceased after suffering a fatal drowning in only a bucket of water in an apparent accident.

“The body of the baby was taken into the care of police and the forensic pathology services and police counsellors are assisting the family and an inquest docket has been opened by police. NSRI and emergency services express heartfelt condolences to the family,” Van Helsdingen said.
– African News Agency (ANA)