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Another company to explore for gas off PE

Another company has given notice of its intention to explore for oil and gas off the coast of Port Elizabeth.

Metrominute reports that OK Energy Limited has submitted an application to the Petroleum Agency of South Africa in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Re-sources Development Act for a right to explore for oil and gas in the East Algoa Exploration Areas off the East Coast.

The area is located to the east of Port Elizabeth and measures 9 314 square kilometres and extends from the coast to a maximum depth of approximately 4 000 metres.

Giving notice of the public participation process on the project, the company says the minimum pro-posed work programme would start with a 2D survey that would be likely
to occur between December this year and May 2014.

The data collected would then be analysed to determine the geological structures and potential for oil and gas.

OK Energy says that depending on the results, further exploratory activities may take place, including a 3D seismic survey covering a proposed area of 1 000 kilometres.

Before it can secure permission from Minister of Mineral Resources Susan Shabangu, the company is required to submit an Environmental Management Programme (EMPr).
Impact Africa has also had an exploration right accepted by PASA and is now compiling an EMPR.

The company plans to survey two areas measuring 45 838 square kilometres, of which 7 700 is off the coast of Port Elizabeth and the balance off the Transkei coast.
New African Global Energy has secured a right to explore an area between Jeffrey’s Bay and Kenton-on-Sea measuring 6 700 square kilometres from the shoreline to a maximum of about 100kms out to sea.

(source:metrominute - to subscribe mail - metminutes@iafrica.com)