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KayCee Rossouw
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Roch-Lè Bloem
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KayCee Rossouw

And just like that...curfew is lifted

In a special Cabinet meeting held on Thursday, several changes to the Adjusted Alert Level 1 COVID-19 regulations have been approved.

Based on the trajectory of the pandemic, the levels of vaccination in the country and the available capacity within the health sector, Cabinet has decided to make the following changes to Adjusted Alert Level 1 with immediate effect:

The curfew will be lifted. There will therefore be no restrictions on the hours of movement of people.

Gatherings are restricted to no more than 1 000 people indoors and no more than 2 000 people outdoors.

All other restrictions remain in place.

Alcohol establishments that have licences to operate beyond 23h00 will revert back to full licence conditions.

The risk of an increase in infections is still high given the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant.

Government, therefore, calls on all organisers of gatherings to ensure that all health protocols are observed at all times and that all attendees are encouraged to be vaccinated.

The wearing of masks in public places is still mandatory, and failure to wear a mask when required remains a criminal offence.