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ANC in Nelson Mandela Bay warns of recalling Council deployees

The ANC in Nelson Mandela Bay has sent its strongest signal yet that its deployees in Council will in all likelihood be recalled.

The regional executive committee issued a hard-hitting, five page statement on Wednesday, reasserting itself as the only legitimately elected leadership in Nelson Mandela Bay and also sounding a warning to those whom it says transgressed ANC policy that they will face disciplinary action.

"We wish to state categorically that the Regional Executive Committee of the African National Congress of Nelson Mandela Region is very much the only legitimate, properly elected structure as the leadership collective of this region," said regional secretary Zandisile Qupe.

"Our REC has not been dissolved, disbanded or otherwise. Our REC is working tirelessly, day and night, in terms of our mandate as given to us by the Conference that elected us," he said.

"We understand that there are some who have objected to the Provincial Executive Committee about the conference. It is normal practise that the ANC, being the epitome of democracy as it is, to listen to and process any objections or appeals that it receives, where such appeal or objection has merit or substance or not."

The ANC statement also warned that "any ANC members who are found to have transgressed the policies and code of conduct of the organisation, by spreading lies and speaking out of turn, will be disciplined without exception."

"This is not a threat, this is an expression of our duty as leaders of the ANC in this region," said Qupe.

The ANC in Nelson Mandela Bay also voiced its strong disapproval of the way the Metro is being governed, saying that the budget and Integrated Development Plan had not been formally tabled with party structures.

"We question the legitimacy of this IDP and Budget which have never been formally tabled with the structures of the ANC in this region. We are the ruling party and we can never understand nor be convinced as to how our deployees have not brought these to our structures," Qupe added.

It also said that its concerned at the recent service delivery protests which it says is an indication of dissatisfaction with the budget and IDP.

"We believe that the people's hostile mood is indicative of the manner in which this Council is attempting to push through the IDP and Budget that does not find favour or legitimacy with the people on the ground," Qupe said.

Meanwhile, ANC regional chairperson Nceba Faku says the issues that have with the current ANC leadership in Council is not about "personalities."

There's been widespread speculation of a rift between him and Nelson Mandela Bay executive mayor Zanoxolo Wayile who's days appear to be numbered.

"This issue is not about personalities. This issue is about the deteriorating state of our municipality. Guys who stay in this Metro who do not know that the municipality's performance has gone down (sic). And, at the end of the African National Congress is negatively impacted by the degeneration in the performance of this municipality," he said.

"This issue about performance of the institution," he said.