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Algoa Bay receives all-clear following oil spill

Containing the oil spill in Algoa Bay


Following a week of intense efforts to clear a massive oil spill in Algoa Bay, authorities involved in the week-long operation heaved a collective sigh of relief on Friday.

The SA Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) told AlgoaFM News that the area had now received the all-clear.

The clean-up and recovery of the spilled oil commenced on Tuesday morning following the botched ship-to-ship transfer of oil the previous day.

SAMSA deputy chief operations officer Vernon Keller said key role players including the Transnet National Ports Authority, as well as the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment immediately raced to the scene.

At least five oil recovery boats as well aerial surveillance using drones were also roped in.

Keller said the operations of a fixed wing aircraft with state-of-the-art oil sensing equipment, charted from Cape Town, finally confirmed the good news they were hoping for.

"We are happy to report that the aircraft, using state-of-the-art technology, reported that there was no oil remaining on the water or on any of the beaches," said Keller.

He said final mop-up operations would now continue while SAMSA added that boat patrols by SANParks officials had revealed no oil near St Croix and Bird Islands in Algoa Bay and that no oiled sea birds were spotted either.