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Agreement ends Walmer Township protests

An agreement has been brokered that effectively ends two days of protests by residents of Walmer Township in Port Elizabeth.

Early on Thursday morning Nelson Mandela Bay executive mayor Zanoxolo Wayile and senior management addressed a large gathering of residents to lay out details of the plans that will address their varied concerns.

The municipality and community leaders were locked in a meeting from 8pm Wednesday night to around 7am on Thursday to craft a plan of action with timeframes to meet the community's needs.

These range from working to eradicate the bucket toilet system which is still in place in parts of Walmer Township, the delivery of housing to the area, as well as other service delivery related issues.

Community leader Mbulelo Tulman says they are satisfied that there has been some resolution to their demands.

"We never heard that the municipality did not have a development programme or form, but we managed to speed up the development programme in terms of the infrastructure and housing, today we are much happier that we got some resolution in terms of what we are demanding" Tulman said.

Meanwhile, the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality has until July 2 to show meaningful progress on its promises.

Executive mayor, Zanoxolo Wayile, says part of the plan is to tackle the quick win projects.

"Once you tackle those quick wins you begin to raise the level of confidence and the trust to our people in between now to the 2nd of July we have agreed that we have to embark on a process plan which is an action plan that we will have to define all the key strategic issues per each and every area" Wayile said.

Click here to see more pics from the service delivery protest