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A cat is in line to be named "Person of the year" in New Zealand


An adventurous Turkish Angora cat, famous for his wanderlust, is more popular than New Zealand’s beloved premier, Jacinda Arderne.

This was discovered in a recent New Zealander of the Year poll.

Mittens has his own social media pages, many avid fans and even his own Wikipedia page.

They compete with photos of where the old wanderer was last seen.

The ginger cat wanders around so much, worried cat lovers often bring him to animal welfare organisations even though he does have an owner.

Mittens also model as a shelter cat on products sold for fundraising.

On 22 May 2020, Mittens was given the Key to the City of Wellington and can proudly join the list with the likes of Sir Peter Jackson.

Later in the year, he was the subject of an exhibition at the Wellington Museum and a candidate for New Zealander of the year in August.