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WATCH: Cape Town City Ballet dancers stun online audience

While the majority of us are baking banana bread and bemoaning our expanding waistlines during lockdown, the Cape Town City Ballet dancers are hard at work staying in shape. Their Lockdown Waltz is proof that when we are allowed back into the theatre, they will be more than ready to enthral us.  

From Hannah Ward gliding effortlessly on relevé along the edge of an infinity pool, to highly sought after conductor Brandon Phillips being put through his paces on a trampoline by his young daughter, it’s no wonder it’s racking up views on social media. And adding to its charm is the odd dog and cat doing their thing with their unbelievably agile owners - even a giraffe makes an appearance!

A standing ovation is indeed in order for the 40 Cape Town City Ballet dancers who took part in the video. Lockdown has been particularly hard on each and every one of them, unable to perform, unable to earn a living, they have had to stay motivated and keep their bodies in shape.

As stated on their website by CEO Debbie Turner, Cape Town City Ballet temporarily ceased operations on Wednesday 18 March due to the impending threat of the COVID-19 virus. The company had hoped to be back at work on the 20th April but with the extended lockdown that has not been possible.

Turner went on to say, “Rest assured that CTCB will be back on our stages as soon as is permissible by law and within the bounds of the safety of all. Our productions of FORGET ME NOT & CARMEN will be staged at later dates in the year…we definitely won’t let you miss it! Maina Gielgud’s SWAN LAKE is still tabled for August 2020 as are all the other programme dates advertised.”

In the meantime, she invites us to, “watch footage of dance, register on our mailing list, keep your spirits up and follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter for updates and things to keep you close to us!”

Thank you for a great video CTCB – and thank you to the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra for providing the stunning Swan Lake score.

Their message is clear - "We are still here and we're doing all we can to be ready to perform as soon as the lockdown is lifted." 

Rest assured - your audience is still here.