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Amy Schumer announces pregnancy

Amy Schumer has announced that she is pregnant on her friend's Instagram account. The actress and comedian broke the news in a post that listed her choices for Congress and Governor in the upcoming midterms. At the end of the list on her friend Jessica Yellin's page, she simply wrote, “I’m pregnant”. The 37-year-old star married a chef, Chris Fischer, earlier this year.

The 37-year-old star married a chef, Chris Fischer, earlier this year.

In true Amy style, she had, prior to the announcement, hinted that there might be a ‘bun in the oven’ by posting a picture on her own Instagram account. Yes, that is the picture below. She and her hubby’s faces superimposed over the faces of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with the caption, about to announce some exciting news on @jessicayellin Instagram page.

Best of luck with your bundle of joy Amy!

Source: Sky News