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SA breaches 1 million Covid19 infections


South Africa has breached the 1 million mark for Covid19 infections after the Health Department reported an increase of 9 502 cases since the last report.

Health Minister, Dr. Zweli Mkihize said this brings the cumulative total infections to 1 004 413.

“KwaZulu-Natal has the highest number of active cases with 46 710 infections, almost 20-times more than the Northern Cape which has the least infections,” he said.

The Eastern Cape still holds the highest fatalities, closely followed by the Western Cape.

“Regrettably, today we report 214 Covid-19 related deaths: Eastern Cape 123, Gauteng 17, KwaZulu Natal 13, Northern Cape 5 and Western Cape 56. This brings the total to 26 735 deaths,” said Health Minister Zweli Mkhize on Sunday.

The recovery rate has dropped to 84%.

The latest figures come amid calls for tighter restrictions.

The National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) is believed to have met on Sunday to discuss the country’s response to the pandemic.