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Farmworkers to earn more from March

The minimum wage for farmworkers will go up by R127.96 a month on March 1.

The labour department says in terms of the sectoral determination for farm workers, the minimum wages will increase to to R7.71 an hour, or R347. 10 a week, or R1503.90 a month.

This was calculated on an ordinary 45-hour week and would apply until February 28, 2013.

The rates for March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014, and for the following year, would be the previous year's minimum wage plus the consumer price index, plus 1.5%.

The increase was set on the advice of the Employment Conditions Commission following a consultation process and public hearings.

Department spokesperson Paige Boikanyo says inspection and enforcement teams will ensure that the law is implemented to the letter.

He says employers who ignore the new minimum wage, will do so at their own peril.