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Court action could jeopardize ANC conference

The ANC conference had to be adjourned on Sunday evening because of a fight over the credentials of voting delegates.

The fight was exacerbated by night court papers that were served on the ANC conference. These argue that if the conference goes ahead it will be declared null and void.

This meant that the party did not get to announce the candidates who have been nominated to stand for the top six leadership positions.

The Constitutional Court set the cat among the pigeons on Friday when it ruled that the Free State provincial elective conference was unlawful. In other words it was manipulated in favour of a particular leader.

In this case President Jacob Zuma.

Branches in other provinces, including the the North West, Eastern Cape and Limpopo have complained about the same thing. This kind of manipulation at provincial level has far reaching implications because it implies that the delegates elected to attend the conference were handpicked because of their allegiances.