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Concern over Easter death toll.

 Preliminary figures indicate that at least 241 people died in road accidents over the Easter holiday.

Transport Minister, Ben Martins says 201 fatal crashes were reported during the Easter break.

He says it is more than last year, adding that 60% of fatalities were pedestrians.

The final figures will be released once the SA Police Service and the traffic officials have reconciled the available
information," he said.

Martins said 250,000 vehicles were stopped during the holiday, and that 79,056 fines were issued. He said 1039 licences were suspended and 1024 vehicles were impounded.

"A total of 864 motorists were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Approximately 600 of these motorists were
arrested in urban areas," he said.

The 2013 Easter weekend began on March 28 and ended on April 1.