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Weather warning issued for EC's last day of 'freedom'

A cold front will be moving south of the country on Wednesday night, with strong high-pressure ridging in behind.

Spokesperson Garth Sampson says due to the intensity of the pressure gradient, we are expecting strong winds along the coast and in the adjacent interior between Cape St. Francis and Port St. John's.

He says the strong winds will continue throughout Thursday.

Sampson warned motorists to be aware of sudden crosswinds if travelling, especially between buildings.

He also warned motorists to be on the lookout for fallen trees or power lines and other flying debris, especially on roads along the coast.

Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay.

Aircraft parked outside should point into the direction of the wind and be secured to the ground.

Stay tuned to the Algoa FM for further warnings that might be issued.