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St Francis Bay hit by service delivery protest

Access to St Francis Bay has been blocked by a service delivery protest.
Several hundred residents from the nearby Sea Vista informal settlement began marching and burning tyres early this morning.

Nigel Aitken, the vice chairman of the St Francis Bay residents association, told AlgoaFM news that the protesters had gathered at the circle leading into St Francis Bay and had moved down the road to the sub-station in the direction of the kromme river bridge.

Aitken said of concern to him, was that a number of the protesters appeared to be armed with pangas and knob kerries.

Police warrant officer Gerda Swart says police are monitoring the situation and that a government delegation is on its way to address the protesters.

She says no arrests have been made but that a case of malicious damage to property has been opened after stones were thrown at a fire engine parked at the scene.

pic: service delivery protesters burning tyres outside St Francis Bay this morning.