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New Safety measures in canoeing welcomed

 Canoeing South Africa Secretary General Colin Simpkins has praised the organisers of the PE2EL Surfski Challenge in the 1st week of December for having already committed to putting tracking devices fitted with a panic button on every boat that will take part in the four day surf ski epic

Simpkings said paddlers also need to be sensible about basics like wearing bright coloured clothing, bright hats as well as having bright colours on their skis along with a whistle.

Simpkins was reacting to the tragic passing of Johannesburg paddler Mark Feather during the Pete Marlin surf ski race between Orient Beach and Yellow Sands in East London on Saturday.

Feather's body was found some 100 kilometres up the coast by hikers at Trenneries yesterday morning.

Simpkins, who also took part in Saturday's race, extended his condolences to the family and friends of Feather and also repeated his heartfelt thanks to the NSRI, hundreds of volunteers as well as the SAPS who assisted in the two day search for Feather.