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George golfer off to World Junior Champs

Jovan Rebula will be the first member of the Ernie Els & Fancourt Foundation who will participate in the Callaway Junior World Championship (CJWC) which will be held at Torrey Pines near San Diego, America from the 16-19 July.  The EEFF received one invite from the organisers of this prestigious tournament. 
The Board of Directors of the EEFF decided to offer the spot to its  best placed member on the current SAGA's Junior National Order of Merit. Rebula is currently the second best junior in South Africa and therefore the EEFF's top member on the u19 ranking. 
The 15-year-old Rebula, who is a member at George GC, boosted his chances of teeing-off in America mainly due to his wins in two National Order of Merit tournaments since the beginning of the year.
"I am really looking forward to play in the Callaway tournament," Rebula said. "I have heard a lot about the tournament. My uncle Ernie Els won the u14 title and that win kick-started his impressive career. I would like to do well in this tournament."
Ernie won the Boys u13-14 division in 1984. Tiger Woods participated in the same tournament as Els and he won the Boys u9-10 division.
The Board of Directors also made the decision that this tournament will replace the annual visit to Ernie in America by members of the EEFF in future.