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Dave Emslie to leave EP Cricket

Eastern Province Cricket President, Mr Graeme Sauls, announced on Tuesday that after 19 loyal and committed years of service to EP Cricket, CEO Dave Emslie will be leaving the employ of the company at the end of July 2013.

Emslie said that after having given his future considerable thought for the last number of months, he had come to the conclusion that cricket in the region needed new leadership, and in the interests of EP Cricket he needed to make way for a new leader. Whilst his passion for cricket and, in particular, EP Cricket remains undiminished, he feels the time is right to hand the baton on to someone who will be able to take the business from where he has left off to new heights.

“There comes a time in one’s life when one has to take stock and it is my absolute conviction that a freshening up of EP Cricket is required. I often look back to when I was appointed as CEO and the unbridled enthusiasm with which I, with the help and support of a highly committed and competent staff, tackled the task of building what was then a new organisation borne out of the unity process. I believe this job has been done and, whilst challenges still and will always exist, the time has come for someone else together with the Board and staff to have the privilege of leading EP Cricket.

“It has been a journey that has at times taken me to the depths of despair, but far more prevalent has been the good times with all the cogs of the EP Cricket machine working together for the common good of cricket in our region.

“Unless one has had direct dealings with the staff at Axxess St George’s ,one will not know the quality of person in the employ of EP Cricket and what a true privilege to have been of what the late Mr Raymond Uren referred to as the “Dream Team.” I will miss them dearly and would like to publically record my absolute respect for their skills and values, very special people they are.

“Outside our immediate environment I have also made friends and become very close to a large group of people within cricket and those in the sports marketing and sponsorship space.  Chevrolet, Axxess, CSA, my fellow CEO’s across the country and the all important media have been a pleasure to work with and I look forward to continuing my relationships with them,” said Emslie.

EP Cricket President Graeme Sauls said: “Dave has given 19 years of his life to EP cricket and everyone involved in cricket is indebted to him for his outstanding contribution to the game in the province. Under Dave's leadership, our city has continued to remain a venue of choice for our national side and many, many quality players have been brought through the system at all levels. Through the years there have been many challenges but what has seen Dave through all of these is his unique love and passion for the game.

“I have known Dave since I was a player, an administrator at my club and lately have got to know him a lot better as President. There is no doubting his loyalty, commitment and desire to see EP Cricket prosper. His decision to leave EP Cricket will leave a gaping big hole that we won’t easily be able to fill. He leaves us on a very good wicket, though, and I want to wish Dave all the very best in his future endeavours, but I know that being the person he is, he won’t be able to be too far away from the game.”

With regard to the management of the Chevrolet Warriors, currently a responsibility of Eastern Province Cricket, the Board of Directors of Cricket Eastern Cape (Pty) Ltd (Chevrolet Warriors) took a decision a few months ago that it would be in the interests of professional cricket for the company to have a CEO that would manage the affairs of the franchise independent of either of its shareholders, EP Cricket and Border Cricket.

As such the company will be conducting a search for a Chevrolet Warriors CEO. In the interim Emslie will manage the franchise until such time as the search process is complete.