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Candidate list declared for EPRU elections

The Eastern Province Rugby Union’s PE Metro Sub Union has declared their candidates list for the upcoming elections which will take place on the 29th of November 2014.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday,  PE Metro Sub Union President, Stag Mitchell, said they were in full support of president Cheeky Watson to stand for a third term in office.

Alongside Watson, the PE Sub Union have put forward Phillip Joseph as Deputy President and Freddie Makoki as Vice President.

For the various portfolios they have nominated Shelly Ann Baatjies for Finance, Earl Hill for Development, Charles Kleinbooi for Facilities and George Malgas for Enquiries and Constitutional Matters. The sub union also nominated Danie Gouws to be co-opted as a member of the executive.

Mitchell said following the decision by the executive, they would now campaign amongst their clubs, specifically those still undecided, to support the executive’s nominations.

“We believe that Cheeky still has not yet fulfilled the mandate given to him and that he should be given the time necessary for him to deliver. His reappointment will maintain the stability and continuity in leadership that is needed in order to take the union to the next level,” said Mitchell.

Mitchell said part of that mandate was for Watson, who had already helped secure participation in top rugby structures, to ensure the entrenchment of the EPRU in both Super Rugby and Currie Cup Premier Division structures going forward, as well as to focus on transformation of rugby and improve club rugby in the region.

“I have never seen a president so hard working, who is so passionate about and committed to rugby in this region,” he said. “I believe that, with the proper support and time, he has the ability to reach these goals, and we appeal to the other sub union executives and their affiliated clubs to support him in achieving this.”

“We have a lot of confidence in the president, his passion and dedication is what secured the region Super Rugby status as well as Currie Cup Premier Division. There are still shortcomings within the club rugby structures though, so we are urging him to look at that during his next term,” said Mitchell.

Mitchell said club rugby was definitely one of the areas that the PE Metro Sub Union had discussed at length during their recent AGM, as well as the post AGM legotla, and from their side, were taking steps to put structures in place that would help strengthen club rugby in the region.