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Another chance for the EP Kings?

 EP Kings CEO Charl Crous says they're working on a date in December for a SARU special general meeting to revisit the issue of an expanded Currie Cup premier division next year.

Late in September, a special general meeting failed to get the required 75% majority needed for a resolution to be passed which would have seen the EP Kings and the Pumas included in an expanded 8-team Currie Cup Premier division next season.

Speaking on the DMB on AlgoaFM on Thursday, rugby legend Naas Botha said he'd heard that a re-vote could take place as early as next week as SARU and a number of Unions felt the wrong decision had been taken at the meeting.

Crous said the sentiments expressed by Naas and many others in favour of a re-vote were a very positive sign for the EP Kings.

"We have been informed that the unions are not happy with the decision that was taken and I think it is great that people are talking about it" he said