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FAMSA warms up with Algoa FM Winter Woolly Week

Donations collected in George by Algoa FM personality Charlton Tobias as part of the radio station’s Winter Woolly Campaign are already making a difference as the first winter chill sets in.

A full box of woollies was collected by the Daron Mann Breakfast show co-presenter Charlton Tobias on Saturday, 1 June during a three hour Hitmobile broadcast in the Mugg and Bean Court of the Garden Route Mall.

Nicolette Pretorius, Director of the local FAMSA, was there to collect the warm clothing, most of which was donated by entrants of the Mall-2-Mast MTB Challenge.

The Mall-2-Mast MTB Challenge started and finished at the Garden Route Mall and Juan Botes, organiser of the MTB Challenge, asked each entrant to donate one winter woolly item to Charlton and his team.

“With our Back to School programme in January we selected Redlands Primary school in Knysna, Touwsranten Primary School in George and Isalathiso Primary School in Mossel Bay as beneficiaries. With our Algoa FM Winter Woolly Week campaign we hope to make an additional donation to these schools as well”, says Toinette Koumpan.

“This time we have dedicated a full-on print campaign in the Group Editors publications to market the initiative. The Garden Route media and community have helped us greatly in getting the word out to everyone involved.” says Koumpan.

Anyone wanting to help warm the less privileged this winter can still donate winter woollies. The donation box will be located at the information desk close to Mugg and Bean at the Garden Route Mall for the entire month of June.

Donation boxes will also be located throughout the month of June at the George Herald in Ring Road George Industria, the Algoa FM Office at 72 York Street, Eden Caltex, 13 Courtenay Street and the Caltex Garages in York Street and Courtney Street.
Donation spots in Mossel Bay include the Mossel Bay Heiderand Mall, the Mossel Bay Advertiser at 9 Church Street and the D Almeida Service in Mossel Street. Knysna donation spots include Knysna/Plett Herald in 19 Spring Street, Knysna Mall with the boxes located in front of Woolworths as well as at the Super Spar and the Knysna Quays Service Station in Waterfront Drive.

Anyone interested in making a cash contribution to the campaign will also be able to donate online throughout the month of June at www.algoafm.co.za

“We really hope that everyone will open up their hearts , their cupboards and purses to this year’s campaign as the need in the community is very great and we only know how great that need is until the coldest times of winter strike”, says Koumpan.
All donations collected in George and Mossel Bay will be given to Eden Lions who will distribute it to people in need in that area. And donations received in Knysna, will be given Knysna Lions who will distribute the warm items to areas of need in Knysna.