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Young boy killed in playground accident in rural Eastern Cape

A four-year old boy has been killed in a playground accident at the rural community of Riebeeck East, which is some 42 kilometres west of Makhanda, formerly Grahamstown.

The DA's PR councillor for Riebeeck East, Cary Clark, says the young boy died on Sunday when a jungle gym at a playground in Kwanomzamo apparently collapsed on top of him.

She told AlgoaFM News that the playground was damaged years ago by a contractor building the new library.

"For years now I have been warning the municipality, right up to Sarah Baartman, to the Municipal Manager there and to our Municipal Manager and Directors here (Riebeeck East) as well as the local newspapers and anyone else who would listen, of the dangers of this playground," she said. "Tragically, its all fallen on deaf ears and been ignored and the result now is a small child that's passed away."

Councillor Clark said police have opened an inquest docket but that someone needs to be held accountable. "I'm frustrated at a Municipality that only reacts to disasters instead of preventing them. They need to be held accountable and this shouldn't just be swept under the rug. Its just one of many things they neglect to do and my heart is really, really sore for that family today."

Attempts to obtain comment from Riebeeck East's Municipal Manager have so far being unsuccessful.