CAPE TOWN, June 26 (ANA) – Dam levels in the Western Cape have seen a slight increase, Western Cape Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning MEC Anton Bredell said on Monday.
Dam levels have increase to 22.8 percent, which is still far off the dam levels of 35.4 percent this time last year.
Bredell said the levels of the province’s major dams was still below 20 percent, which was cause for concern. He urged people to continue with their water saving efforts.
“Theewaterskloof is at 18.6%, Clanwilliam dam at 16.3% and Voëlvlei dam at 19.3%. We urge the public to continue to conserve water as much as possible.”
Bredell’s department said water saving would be top of the agenda when the province’s Premier, MECs and mayors meet in Worcester tomorrow.
“Declarations relating to water will be signed by key role-players within municipalities, the agriculture sector and the economic sector. The main aim of these Declarations is to unite the ‘Whole of Society’s’ commitment to accelerate action towards responsible and sustainable water use in the Western Cape.”
– African News Agency (ANA)