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WARNING as discomfort index climbs to dangerous levels

Berg wind conditions and high humidity levels along the Southern and Eastern Cape coast and adjacent interior have sent the discomfort index reading to dangerous levels in excess of 105.

Garth Sampson at the PE Branch of the SA weather service says hard labour outdoors and school sport should not take place for the rest of Monday.

Stay indoors in a cool room near a fan if possible 
The old and infirm must take extra care
Listen to the radio or TV for warnings.
Cease strenuous outdoor activity if advised
Avoid playing sport
Dress in light weight clothes
Drink plenty of liquids NOT alcohol

Temperatures around the coast are about 36 degrees with a humidity of 30%. It equates to a discomfort level of 105 which is extremely uncomfortable" 

Sampson says its only going to start cooling down this evening.