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A Uitenhage second hand car dealer appeared in court on Tuesday after police seized 31 vehicles that had been stolen in the Western and Eastern Cape.
Police warrant officer Gerda Swart says the case against 65-year-old Simon van Vuuren was postponed to the 20th of March.
His bail of R20 000 was extended following his initial arrest late last year for being in possession of suspected stolen property.
Swart says the charges against Van Vuuren were changed to theft of motor vehicles after a combined investigation revealed that dozens of cars sold through his dealership, Monte Carlo Motors, had been stolen in the Western Cape and in Port Elizabeth.
"A team from Cape Town Central police as well as a forensic team from Pretoria came down and will assist with the confiscations that was done Despatch, Kwanobuhle and UItenhage. A Total of 31 vehicles were taken and it was positively identified to be stolen either in the Western Cape of the Eastern Cape" Swart said.