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Two Trucks petrol bombed in PE

At least two trucks have been petrol-bombed in Port Elizabeth.

However, police cannot conclusively say if the incidents on Monday were linked to the ongoing strike by members of the SA Transport and Allied Workers Union.

Police spokesperson, warrant officer Dumile Gwavu, says a truck was set alight in Markman Township by a group of people who first stoned the vehicle.

He says the driver and his passenger fled.

Another truck was petrol bombed on the corner of Johnson Road in Zwide and the road to Uitenhage.

The driver reportedly suffered burns to an arm.

Meanwhile, the CEO of the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber, Kevin Hustler, says they're concerned about the escalation of violence even though there had been no indication up until today.

"We are very concerned obviously about public safety and safety of workers, particularly of the drivers of these trucks. We don't as business, condone this violent activity and destruction of company property," he said.

"Although we respect the righ to strike we don't at all support public violence, intimidation and the willful damage to property of companies," Hustler added.