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Two PE men rescued in Knsyna Lagoon

Two men from Port Elizabeth were rescued when their boat, Rumkat1, capsized in the Knysna Lagoon.

The NSRI said in a statement that the NSRI Knysna duty crew were activated on Saturday afternoon following reports of the incident in the channel between the SANParks offices and Brenton on Lake.

“We launched our NSRI Knysna sea rescue craft Jaytee IV, said Knysna NSRI station commander Jerome Simonis.

“On arrival on the scene we found the Knysna Charters ferry boat had gone to the men's aid and both adult men, from Port Elizabeth, were safe on the Knysna Charters ferry and the Knysna Charters ferry were towing the capsized boat to Thesen Island,” he said.

“At Thesen Island we confirmed that both men were not injured and we were able to right the casualty boat which we then towed to the Brenton on Lake slip way and the casualty boat was recovered and no further assistance was required,” Simonis said.

(Image: NSRI - the capsized casualty boat being righted by NSRI Knysna crew at Thesen Island.)