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Two nabbed in connection with Coligny murder

RUSTENBURG, April 26 (ANA)- Two men were arrested in connection with the death of a 12-year-old boy in Coligny, North West police said on Wednesday.

Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone said the men, aged 26 and 33, who accused of the murder, were arrested on Tuesday in Coligny.

The boy died on April 18, after he allegedly jumped or alighted from a moving vehicle driven by a farmer.

His death sparked a violent protest that left three houses and three trucks torched, several shops were also looted.

North West premier, Supra Mahumapelo commended the police for the arrest of two suspects, who are expected to appear in court on Friday.

“The swift arrest of the two suspects is a demonstration of the good work the police are able to do when the community supports their efforts in rooting out criminality in our communities,” he said.

Mahumapelo has called for calm and stability in Ditsobotla local municipality and has assured residents that law and order will be maintained in the area.

On Tuesday, Mahumapelo set up a seven-member task team to probe issues that led to the violent protest in Ditsobotla local municipality.

The task team is made up of five MECs, the mayor of Ditsobotla and the mayor of Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality.
The team led by MEC Sello Lehari of Education and Sport Development was expected to start its work on Wednesday.
– African News Agency (ANA)